Vogue December issue landed in our mailbox this week and, as per usual, we devoured the pages front to back. As you can probably imagine, seeing the Vogue-worthy homes of various tastemakers, trend-setters, and fashion icons is our most favorite part. And how fitting for the December issue to highlight the stately and "magical" London home of Lady Isabella and Earl Colin Cawdor (a la Shakespeare's MacBeth.)
We remember seeing their Scottish home, near the infamous Cawdor Castle, in the Wall Street Journal some time ago, and their London home is equally as charming and unique. It's eclectic and comfortable, in a way only English Aristocrats can actually pull off, a mix of bold patterns and family heirlooms. Above all, just like their home in the Highlands, it feels very approachable. Just for a moment, we would love to be transported into this English Country life. . . But for now, a "Get-the-Look" will have to do. Here is the living room of the Cawdor's London home. We were pretty excited to see that FABULOUS octagonal ottoman!