Home Decor Blog

Dispatch from the Bahamas

DSC00834   We are back where it all began almost 5 years ago. The island has so many design inspirations, it's no wonder that we dreamed up oomph after a few goombay smashes. Color abounds everywhere you look. There is something about the air - it is softer and gentler and things move very slowly. IMG_3640 When we first arrive - we still have our city state-of-mind. Little things like lost luggage and no power tend to annoy us. After several days, those things become less important. We get into the rhythm of the island and know one day our bag will turn up and the power will come on. The phone man and the propane guy will get around to coming, when they are ready. We accept this and are happy just to be here, taking in the warmth and soaking up the color all around us.


The riot of color of the Bougainvillea and Hibiscus and the turquoise of the water are repeated everywhere. So many homes use the colors of the island as their palette just as we use the grey and beige of the New England stonewalls for our homes.


And although our favorite haunts have yet to open for the season, we will look forward to their delights on our next visit. For now we are content that our boxes of new oomph goodies have arrived safely.


The best part is, we will be back in January to visit our good friend, Amanda Lindroth, at the Lyford Cay Design weekend. We are so excited to see the gorgeous homes full of oomph! We will post our next installment of the "Dispatch from the Bahamas" in January to report on all we see. Until then - CHEERS!

Chicken Standing in Front of a Pink Wall

