Home Decor Blog

Create Your Perfect Home Vision Board With Pinterest

 If you haven't already discovered it, you are in for a treat. Pinterest is a fabulous cyber scrapbook that everyone is using. When we first started playing around with it a year ago - we weren't sure we were going to like it. Roll the tape forward one year and now we are addicted. Have you ever wished you could dog-ear or tear out a great piece of furniture you saw on a blog? You know,  the way you could in a good old-fashioned paper magazine? Now you can PIN IT! See a room you want to remember - Pin it! Love the lamp you stumbled across while surfing the web? - Pin it! It's a great place to chronicle ideas, colors, rooms by your favorite designers, even recipes! Use it to compile inspirations or ideas for your wedding or your new design project. You can even search Pinterest for products - you may be up all night! We are.

And there's more . . .Create a travel board so you'll never forget all the must-see destinations on your bucket list. You'll come across so many cool places you didn't even know you needed to go to, until now, that is. Follow trend-setters, people with style and just about anyone you find. It's like playing words with friends - with pictures!

