1. A Well Stocked Bar (oomph bart cart, of course)
The oomphtini is our favorite drink, hands down. But come summer (or Memorial Day) we like to mix it up with some alternative libations: The Dark 'n' Stormy, Margarita, and Rose Wine. Stock your barcart!
Dark 'n' Stormy Recipe: In a tall glass, fill with ice, add 4-5 oz of Ginger Beer, top with 1.5 oz of Gosling's Rum.
Margarita Recipe: In a shaker or blender combine 1 cup Tequila, 1 cup Cointreau, 1/2 Cup Fresh Lime juice. Shake or Blend to perfection.

2. Cocktail Rings
oomph style? Pretty classic. Our uniform is white jeans and just about anything on top. But we add "oomph" to our summer whites with killer pieces of jewelry . . . like a Verdura Cocktail Ring, or maybe one from ASHA!

3. Boats
Messing around on boats is just about the best thing - ever. We're not really picky when it comes to what kind, as long as it gets us out on the water for a great few days of sailing or a sunset cruise. I suppose if we had to choose, we'd pick a classic:

4. Neighborhood Control
Inevitably, summer brings a few trouble-makers to the nieghborhood and noisy late-night revelry. Be prepared with a water balloon launcher to take care of business. You might be surprised just how handy it is!