Home Decor Blog

Resolution #2 - Lighten up...

Still on track with your resolutions one week into the new year? We had a few - some  we have managed to blow off already - but they weren't any fun anyway. We still like resolution #2: "lighten-up".  Yes - it can mean food, gimlets, shopping - weight is an obvious. Those are all pretty tough to curb.

But we can handle "lighten-up" when it comes to home design! Color, clutter - we love purging furniture and tchotchkes - it's a great way to lighten up and you can have your cake (and eat it too!) Toss those doodads, slipcover the dirty salsa-stained sofas. Add some colorful oomph to your life! We recommend starting with a palette you love. Next, pick a coffee table that works with your seating plan and fill in from there. There should always be a place to rest your gimlet, a colorful pillow to pull in an accent color, and extra pull-up seating, i.e. - oomph cubes or ottoman.

Prefer a neutral, soothing scheme? We have that covered too. Call us if you need help - we can head you in the right direction. It should be fun and a wonderful lift to your room and life! And who doesn't need a little bit of that?

