Home Decor Blog

Island Color Continued...

Let's face it - there is more to the color of an island than just the water, beach and sky, although on an island that is a half mile wide and merely three miles long, it is hard to escape. There are colors everywhere - so much more than at home. Buildings are painted bright hues as to not be overshadowed by nature. The plant life and roosters, the latter of which are in strange abundance, are colorful and noisy!

It's no wonder we started here with the concept that everyone needed a little oomph in their life and why not add some COLOR to an otherwise dull homescape. In fact, we must have been channeling the colors of the island when we selected our brighter hues.

We wanted to share a few more photos of the island before we move on to the serious business of High Point and Trade Shows, and industry news! We promise to get back to business shortly. We have just a few more rum punches to savor before we go off island time!


