Rethink traditional seating. Banquets are a cozy and space saving alternative to traditional chairs around a kitchen table or game table. Extra points for corner banquets!! Banquets can be either built-in or with a long bench. It's also a great way to add some nice color to a kitchen that might be heavy on white and stainless steel.
New Season, new pillows. As the days get darker and colder and darker and colder, put away the crisp summer neutrals and pull out the velvets and the bright stuff! Nothing will brighten your rooms and spirits like snazzy pillows. Mix and match to your heart's delight - you'll be amazed at how transforming new pillows can be!
Tigers, and Cheetahs, and Zebras, Oh My! Animal prints are holding steady and showing up on everything from floors and walls to tabletop and linens. Use liberally.Brass details came in strong at the beginning of 2014 and the trend is still going strong. Nothing adds a little glam like great brass detailing.