It's the time of year for football playoffs and Golden Globe Awards. There's a lot going on and we try to keep up on it all and still watch Masterpiece Theater's "Downton Abby" Sunday night. Today, scanning the New York Times Sunday Styles section, something caught our attention. "EVERY red carpet has its head-turners, dresses that captivate, spark style trends, and celebrate turning points in a star’s career. Much the same can be expected when the Golden Globes unfurl the crimson runner on NBC on Sunday night. In past seasons the looks on parade at this annual glam fest helped cement reputations and jump-start careers. When Reese Witherspoon stepped out in 2007, after her breakup with Ryan Phillippe, her tight yellow Nina Ricci dress lent her an unaccustomed
oomph. She was sexier than ever, so it seemed."

Well, for obvious reasons - we took notice. Not only do we love fashion and of course the talented Miss Witherspoon, but we love the choice of word Ms Le Furla used to punctuate her point! If anyone knows about oomph, it would be us. We practically wrote the Webster's definition - in fact we carry it with us always...because everyone needs a little.