Before you know, it will be Halloween. And even before the doorbell rings with Trick-or-Treaters, many stores will start the holiday push - decorations and all. While we do not condone such behavior - we do believe in being prepared. That is why we are reminding anyone who has a holiday party planned to think about how oomph can help.

Whether it is Aunt Stephanie in from the coast, or the entire family gathering for the holidays at your house - you probably need a bar cart. Nothing is more practical or elegant! In fact - we classify this as a necessity or at the very least - a "must have"! The
oomph bar cart has casters for easy maneuvering to follow the thirsty crowd, and the top surface is glass so you can keep an eye on the back-up stock below while you shake up those oomphtinis. Let them name their poison - you're prepared.

Roll the tape forward. The family has been together for days now and everyone is bored to death watching re-runs and Bowl games. Don't you wish you had the foresight to order an oomph Backgammon Table as the "Family Gift" just as you did with the Foosball table 10 years ago? Here is your reminder! We think there is nothing better than sitting down to a competitive game of skill before or after dinner. The children will challenge Dad, the house guests will be occupied - and you will have a beautiful piece of furniture to covet for years to come. We see this as a win/win gift idea - and one that keeps on giving! But if you want it for the holidays - you had better check your list twice - and do it by October 15th!