The NYIGF is over and it was a great success! We are exhausted but elated by it all! We have many new friends across the country and our tentacles now stretch to the Far East! Visit our newest international "lucky retailer" - Puff Collection in Tokyo, Japan. We truly now reach an international market.

Our pillows made a luscious display - we think we have out done ourselves this time and selected fabrics with gorgeous color and pattern all of which are sublime with our table collection. They were a favorite pick by designers at the show.
Our "Gossip Chair" was a hit (and a wonderful place to take a break!) We can't wait to see pictures of the one ordered by a trend setting designer who plans to use it in her NYC dressing room - all those Manolo Blahniks and Jimmy Choos to try on! Everyone had to test-drive it and we were happy to oblige - even 2 minutes off your feet was a treat.

Our colors were both bright and subdued. The brights were the beacon that drew the customer in, the subdued neutrals calmed them as they pulled out their credit card! We had lots of fun, did lots of shopping and are beyond exhausted. All in all a success. Who knew working hard could be so much fun!
If you haven't seen all that's new for fall 2011 in the oomph collection - check it out on our website - or head to your nearest lucky retailer. They may be just around the corner - or around the world!